Nine Presidents delclared dependence on imported oil a threat to national security. Since then, oil imports have increased from 20% to 65%. JPods' intent is to break the institutional barriers that have created this Potato Famine potential.Call to Actions

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  • President Biden, 2022, "Second, this crisis is a stark reminder: To protect our economy over the long term, we need to become energy independent. I’ve had numerous conversations over the last three months with our European friends of how they have to wean themselves off of Russia — Russian oil.  It’s just not — it’s just not tenable. It should motivate us to accelerate the transition to clean energy."

  • President Obama, 2010, "For decades we have known that the days of cheap and easily accessible oil were numbered...." Foreign oil 49.2%.

  • President W. Bush, 2006, “Keeping American competitive requires affordable energy. Here we have a serious problem. America is addicted to oil, which is often imported from unstable parts of the world.” Foreign oil 59.9%.

  • President Clinton, 1995, “The nation’s growing reliance on imports of oil … threatens the nation’s security … [we] will continue efforts to … enhance domestic energy production.”   Foreign oil 44.5%.

  • President Bush, 1992, “There is no security for the United States in further dependence on foreign oil.”  Foreign oil 40.6%.

  • President Reagan, 1981, “While conservation is worthy in itself, the best answer is to try to make us independent of outside sources to the greatest extent possible for our energy.”  Foreign oil  33.6%.

  • President Carter, 1979, “This intolerable dependence on foreign oil threatens our economic independence and the very security of our Nation. The energy crisis is real. It is worldwide. It is a clear and present danger to our Nation. These are facts and we simply must face them.” Foreign oil 43.1%.

  • President Ford, 1975, “First, we must reduce oil imports by 1 million barrels per day by the end of this year and by 2 million barrels per day by the end of 1977. Second, we must end vulnerability to economic disruption by foreign suppliers by 1985.” Foreign oil 35.8%

  • President Nixon, 1974, “At the end of this decade, in the year 1980, the United States will not be dependent on any other country for the energy we need.” Foreign oil 30%.

Read more at:

Eight President CNBC on Foreign Oil as an Enemy. from Bill James on Vimeo.

During the period eight Presidents declared imported oil a threat to national security and an enemy of the Constitution, Federal policy makers taxed the people and built infrastructures that mandated oil imports be increased from 20% to 60%. Violating the Constitution's "post Roads" restriction created a monolithic dependence on debt to buy foreign oil. This monolithic dependence repeats the monolithic dependence that resulted in Potato Famines in the 1840s. Syria is likely a model for the coming Oil Famine.